Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Busily Looking Forward

It has been a while since my last post -- basically a month. It seems that my "real" job has occupied a huge amount of my time and practically 100% of my thoughts for the last month or so. Most people will see that statement and think that things are bad, that my company is struggling and we're in survival mode. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Right now we are experiencing growth and acquiring new customers on a daily basis. I have been busy dealing with that growth and with reaching out to prospective customers.

Isn't that interesting? The economy is "in the tank" according to everything that I hear and read and yet our business is experiencing a boom. I think there are a number of reasons why that is happening. 1) The economy is "bad" and my prospective customers are looking for ways to add value to their business. I offer them a service that typically will save expense and concurrently improve performance. 2) We have become more active in marketing our service. When times are tough you must work twice as hard to get in front of customers. You CANNOT cut marketing, advertising or sales expenses and expect to succeed. 3) We deliver what we promise. It's just good business. If you want repeat business, do what you say that you will do at a fair price. Give the customer value for their investment and they will be loyal.

The election was all about the economy. The consuming public was duped by the purveyors of socialism. It is going to get worse.

I hope that the President Elect is pragmatic enough to move slowly. It is a given that Pelosi and Reid will attempt to ram through their entire liberal agenda in the first 100 days. Be afraid -- be very afraid....


Anonymous said...

Amen brother, amen!

Glad to have your comments back online.

Chris McClure aka Panhandle Poet said...

Thank you, Neal. We will see if the "break" is truly over....

Dee said...

Glad you are back. I have you bookmarked on my blog. I am glad to hear your business is going well. I am so tired of everyone talking about how bad the economy is and yet people are continuing to live the same way- buying bigger toys, eating expensive meals out. Anyone heard about cutting back, and thinking about needs vs. wants? Anyone heard about doing with less? I am just tired of everyone's complaining.

Chris McClure aka Panhandle Poet said...

Thanks, Dee! A lot of what is happening in the economy is because of that negative attitude to which you are referring. Restoration of consumer confidence would go a long way toward getting the economy to humming again. Texas is fortunate in that we've missed the worst of it! I very much appreciate the bookmark.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Chris,
I don't usually post things either but try to keep up seeing what Michael Pink, Bobb Biehl, Os Hillman and other Christian leaders are up to.

I so agree with you, it's tough to keep up with responding to blogs let along writing one when I'm putting in 70+ hours/week in my own business! My hat is off to you!

But as my late CPA I had for 26 years always told me, "We need to help hurting believers in business with whatever God has placed in our hands."

I thought that might be my National Association of Business Coaches (NABC) that I sold back in 2002. But in these days I'm looking at building a network of Christ followers in business that are willing to share with North American believers in business just as enthusiastically as they do in helping launch micro businesses and dig wells overseas.

Anyway, continued success in your biz, Chris, and a most joyous 2009! Good to see that you are 'out there'.

In His grace,
Steve Lanning

Chris McClure aka Panhandle Poet said...

Thank you, Steve! I think we are looking at the "lull before the storm" in the U.S. economy. At one time I was maintaining 3 blogs -- they've suffered lately. I found the blogs to be therapeutic during motel time. They gave me a creative outlet that helped me to organize my thoughts. Hmmm....gotta keep organized....January looks crazier than ever with a highly demanding travel schedule. Let us pray the weather cooperates.