Monday, January 12, 2009

Wait-and-see Optimism

I suppose it would be appropriate to say that I'm in a political holding pattern right now. It seems that wait-and-see is the best approach to the new administration.

There are some encouraging signs coming out of the President-elect -- but there are also plenty of discouraging ones. The message really isn't clear yet. Will it be the Pelosi/Reid line or will it be something else? Will political pragmatism rule the day or will it be ideology that determines the direction? Will Conservatives have any say in the next couple of years or will it be a left-wing steamroller? Today, the jury is out.

Why do I think the jury is still out? It is because I am an optimist at heart. I am optimistic that there remains enough balance in our country that we won't be captured by the socialist wannabes and instead will walk a somewhat centrist path.

In the interest of setting the stage for a second term, the President elect may choose such a path. At this date it remains to be seen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great post! I really enjoy reading your blog. Keep up the good work.

I’ve just started a new blog that will be highlighting the dangerous advances of the secular progressive movement (pro-gay “rights”, pro-abortion, anti-religious freedoms, etc). Unfortunately, most Christians still don’t know what’s going on out there and the mainstream media certainly isn’t covering it.

We’re looking to build a solid group of social conservatives (especially Mike Huckabee/Fred Thompson supporters) who’ll frequent the site regularly and contribute to some good discussions. The site gets updated daily with breaking news, so you’ll want to check back often, or you can just sign up for our News Feed. I hope you’ll check it out!

If you’ll add us to your blogroll we’ll gladly add you to ours. Just drop us a comment over at our blog so that we’ll know to add you. Our blog is called Religion and Morality.
