Friday, December 18, 2009

Copenhagen Math

I'm a little confused about why the U.S. should cough up $100 Billion per year to help other countries deal with their committments on UN regulation of "climate change."  That means we will pay for it twice -- once in a subsidy through a corrupt organization (the UN) that will pass on a portion of it to corrupt governments (most of the developing world), and then in the increased price of goods that we will likely purchase from those very countries.

I know, $100 Billion doesn't sound like much now that we toss around numbers like $3 or $4 Trillion, but if you divide it by the current population of the U.S. it comes out to about $328 per person or $1,312 per family of 4.  We probably need to double those numbers because of the increased cost of goods and services.  No, we should probably triple it because the government is such an inefficient allocator of wealth that the true cost to our economy will be much larger than the $100 Billion.

Obama: World's Will on Climate Change 'Hangs in the Balance' at Copenhagen

1 comment:

i beati said...

It's too mind boggling for me I cannot go there mentally much anymore- only send my mental and heart vibes to the real MASTER..sandy Glorious blessed Christmas to you and yours..