Monday, March 22, 2010

In The Midst of a Coup

It is time to throw them out.  If they voted for ObamaCare they should be thrown out of office.  Representative Democracy is dead in this country.  If it was not, the bill would never have passed the Senate or the House.  An overwhelming majority of the American people are opposed to the bill.

This is one more step on the way to destroying the states.  When the state governments become insolvent, the federal government will take control.  At some point, all control will reside in the federal government.  When that occurs, we will become a communist nation.  We are experiencing a takeover through economic means.  Communism is not Socialism.  With Communism, power is in the hands of a few.  It is complete, controlling power.  The people have no rights under Communism.  Non-conformity is punished severely -- by servitude or by death.

It is time to throw them out of office.


i beati said...

I couldn't agree more but people would rather sit back and seethe and make them selves sick. I have a preexisting condiotion,.- cancer gee I hope it doesn't flare up agian until 2014..

sad what this country has become, and I'm jobless since 2006 . Nothing at all has helped me from my government only took away. I try to pray and say God will take care- but this bunch is really crooked.and they must

i beati said...

wopw now nuclear plants etc. It's mind boggling - nothing for the common man who works hard with a family .. hard to imagine how we got to this place.

oldator said...

I firmly believe Obama is a puppet, being controlled by the master of deceit, satan. He is only interested in making a name for himself, and he doesn't give a hoot about this country, or its citizens. He is leading us into a second American revolution. This is the most unqualified individual we have ever had in this high office.