Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Season of Mud

The campaign rhetoric of the mid-terms is turning nasty as usual.  Such a turn is emblematic of our society in general.  We have come to tolerate incivility to the point there are few limits on behavior short of breaking the law.  That is frequently done as well because the consequences are usually light or non-existent except in the most heinous cases -- and then only if caught. 

It is also a manifestation of the loss of moral guidance.  In a society where people are taught that there is no ultimate moral law, how can we expect civil behavior?  The most vitriolic attacks seem to come from the left which is made up primarily of those who do not believe in God.  They may tell you they are Christian, or whatever, but, a lack of belief in God makes such a statement merely a political expedient.  I think that is the case of our "dear leader" in Washington.  Political pragmatism as the guiding principle for leadership means getting the job no matter what it takes (lying, back-stabbing, etc.) and then holding on to it by the same methods.

The American people need to learn to recognize such individuals for what they are -- power-hungry and morally bankrupt.  Sadly, it has become accepted by nearly all political aspirees that not responding in kind is a sign of weakness and a sure-fire way to lose.

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