Why do I choose now to resurrect this blog? That's a good question. My disgust with Washington Politics is probably greater now than it was a year ago. Maybe that's the reason. I just got to the point that I needed to voice my thoughts about the mess we are in. Angry? Maybe that's a more accurate description. I just got a belly full. I posted the following comment on Facebook earlier.
"I'm on a crusade. This is my resolution for 2013 -- to get people to understand how they are getting taken by those in power in Washington. We have got to boot the bums and it's time to start now preparing for the next election. There are too many "one issue" voters who don't look at the big picture result of their uninformed actions. I'm recruiting. Help me get out the message."The thing that got me going this morning was two headlines related to the Senate vote last night. The first is that they passed a measure that would raise taxes on working people by $650 Billion but only cut spending by $15 Billion. The second was that "by executive order" they were going to get a raise. Yep, I have a hard time with that. They have one of the lowest approval ratings in history and they are being rewarded for doing such a great job by a President who is rewarding his "buddies" for doing things his way.
There's more to it though. The measures that were passed place the bulk of the burden on working class folks. The language they use attempts to hide that fact, but it's a fact. It has to do with an increase in payroll taxes (an additional 2% of your wages) and favorable tax treatment for dividend income. How may working class people have significant dividend income? That's the domain of the wealthy/high income class to which virtually all of both the Senate and House members belong.
So, I hate to put a damper on the new year, but we are reaping the results of leaving the power in the hands of the same old tax-and-spend crowd that has ruled in Washington for quite some time. Yes, I said ruled. They may be elected but they act like they were crowned -- especially the pair in the White House. Maybe anointed is a more accurate word.....
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