Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Lipstick on a Pig

Was the Obama comment intentionally aimed at VP nominee Sarah Palin? That is the hot question of the day. I've given it some thought and come up with what I believe to be a likely scenario of how it came about.

Picture Obama on the plane with his advisors somewhere over the U.S. The candidate is somewhat downbeat because the latest polls show him losing ground. Why? they ask. The answer on everyone's lips -- Sarah Palin. Senator McCain's choice of runningmate totally blew away the Obama "play-it-safe-with-Joe Biden" strategy. What to do....

Advisor A: We've got to attack. We've got to discredit Palin.

Advisor B: We've got to be careful. If we're too harsh, we will alienate the women voters. Besides, you can't go after Palin, it would look bad. You have to focus on McCain -- he's the nominee, she's just his running mate. We can't even bring up her name or it will hurt you. Leave that to Joe.

Obama: We need to use humor -- be subtle -- that's how she attacked me! I don't like it. I want to go after her, she's the real threat.

Advisor A: What about that "lipstick on a pig" thing you've done before?

(Obama chuckles.)

Advisor B: It's too risky -- that thing could backfire on you if it isn't delivered just right -- I don't think you should go there. Use the fish thing we wrote on McCain but stay away from Palin.

Obama: I think I can do it. Hey, the people love me. They'll just laugh. Humor is a good thing -- look what it did for her speech. It wasn't even scripted.

Advisor B: I really don't think you need to use it. If it comes off wrong they'll crucify you.

Advisor A: I agree. You could probably do it if anybody could, but there's a lot of risk.

Obama: OK. I think you're wrong but that's why I hired you.

In the heat of the speech, with the crowd hanging on his every word, the "thinks-he's-great" communicator becomes overconfident. He thinks, "she went off the script -- I can do it too -- they love me!"

He hesitates, he grins, he says, "You know, you can put lipstick on a pig...."

You know the rest of the story.

Presidential qualities? I don't think so.


Willy said...

Willy had read your comment. Likely exchange. If you notice he stammers and hesitates in this whole speech before the comment like he is trying to remember the conversation that you have created.

Good Post.

10-4 Willy

WomanHonorThyself said...

exactly! unneccesary attack from the leftist tools!

i beati said...

he stammers to give himself time to come up with something- nothing concrete ever..Below I love the use of the word confused with Noriega -- my big birthday is next Friday . Could i possiblu have made it to 765 with God's will yes. Because Drs. said no for 5 years..