Monday, August 25, 2008

The Cost of Protecting Protesters

I respect the rights of various groups to protest at the national party conventions but I think they're wasting their time and the taxpayer's money. It will cost us over $100 million for special security arrangements in the two convention cities this year. The number of protesters could exceed 50,000 at each of the conventions.

We will be fortunate if they don't turn violent at some level. I don't think violence is planned by the protesting groups, however, it would be easy for a handful of individuals to incite the crowds into mob violence. Terror activity doesn't necessarily mean a suicide bomber. It could be a well-placed individual inciting the crowd -- it happened in the 60's.

I know that the convention host cities are excited about the money the media circuses will bring. I fear that they may regret the ultimate cost of the conventions if worst fears are realized. Most insurance policies don't cover civil unrest. Will the cities have to cough up the repair bill for their downtown if things turn ugly?

I pray that all will be peaceful.

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