Thursday, August 21, 2008

New Study About College Students and Suicide

A new study indicates that a high percentage of college students have considered suicide. It is a sad commentary on our society. I'm no sociologists or psychologist or whatever "gist" you might think would properly analyze this, but a little common sense speaks to the reasons.

1) Pressure -- for grades, to fit in, for dates, over beliefs -- all adds up to "life is no longer easy and no one is really taking care of me anymore."
2) Lack of preparation -- oh, they may be ready academically, but too many of them have no preparation for facing real life with all of its challenges.
3) Socialization -- the process certainly starts in Kindergarten and continues through High School, but it is tempered by, hopefully, some influence at home that counter balances at least some of the socializing process. Some kids just don't fit in. They're told what, who and how they're supposed to be. If you don't fit -- you don't fit! However, it can be a difficult blow to those who don't understand that being "exceptional" is actually a good thing.
4) Just plain growing up. Most kids are still a bit immature when they hit college. Growing up and taking on the mantle of adulthood is not easy in Western society. We have no rites-of-passage. Maybe we need some.

The problem at least partially lies with the colleges and universities but it mostly lies within the home of the growing child. Too many are from broken homes. What a wonderful prospect to look forward to when evaluating potential mates. Many come from dysfunctional schools. If your High School doesn't prepare you for what to expect in college it only adds to the shock.

I think I'll quit now -- this is depressing. I have a senior in High School at home who is shopping for colleges. I'm thankful that he seems to have his head-on-straight. I pray that he will stay centered on Christ as he makes the leap to college. It is the BEST way to overcome what he will face.


Borepatch said...

I'm not sure it's always an external stimulus. We want everything to be knowable and explainable, but sometimes it just isn't.

Chris McClure aka Panhandle Poet said...

Good point, Ted.