Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tea-bags and Left Turns

How far left before the American people wake up and say enough? The few limitations we have on abortions, the right to own firearms, churches, you name it, it's is under attack right now.

A modern tea-bag protest has been proposed. On April 1st everyone is supposed to send a tea-bag to the White House in protest against the bailout plan. If only on the 1st we would find out that it was all one big "April Fool's" joke I'd be happy. I hate to waste a good tea bag.


Mike said...

I don't want to waste one, either.

I'm going to put a countdown on my blog (if it won't conflict with my daily calendar images) until the next presidential election.

If the liberals still have a majority after the mid-term elections there probably won't be much point, though.

Be time to hunker down, then.

i beati said...

amen I doubt they will get it