Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Dr. Dobson's Views

James Dobson is pro-family. There is no doubt. His message arises from his strong belief in the message of the Bible. He is also know as being outspoken about his beliefs. I respect that. I agree with Dr. Dobson in his views and recent statements about Obama. I also agree with him in what I have heard him say about Mr. McCain. I don't agree with him on a key issue however. He seems to have indicated that he would prefer to stay home and not vote rather than to vote for either of the candidates for the Presidency. Not voting is surrender. It is saying that you have given up. Would it not be better to provide a qualified endorsement of the candidate who best fits your values? I certainly agree that the idea of "the lesser of two evils is still evil" but I don't believe that is an accurate assessment of the situation. There is the danger for Evangelical Christians to fall into the trap of being Pharisaical about the issues. God can work with anyone and anything -- shouldn't we find a way to do the same?


ptg said...

I must admit that I lost my faith many years ago. Not the faith I get from the parables of Jesus, but the faith I once had that any government could be good. I had hoped it might at least be tamed and made to serve us in our obedience to God's charge to husband the Earth.

I don't believe it any more. I play the political game, but my heart isn't in it. In one sense, I feel free from it while still in it. In another sense, I feel hypocritical when I stray from "tending my own garden". I'm no Candide, and stray every day.

That said, I agree with you 100% about Dobson.

Sandy Kessler said...

Dear Somewhat rare,

I am getting worried. The media does not paint Mc Cain on any form I've seen in a positive light. Ministers are raling against it all...I am worried. Had a captive audience so I took a straw poll. l Mc Cain out of over 100 all the Hillarys going to Obama , all young people Obomination.This is the BIBLE belt where I live . I'm not getting it. The man was so quick to walk away from his minister.??He has no platform to speak of>>Last night Jon Stewart showed a sound bite where Obama and Bush said the very same thing about the economy - word for word.

My gosh Mc Cain and his wife have been tested and at death's door.I feel he's destined to be President. But he's got to pick up the slack here, and show something positive , concrete, not just a little here and there. My friend calls the Obama rush - clumping.I think the media wants to see a black situation and its more exciting to cover. I see the fervor starting here in the What do you hear in Texas??

Chris McClure aka Panhandle Poet said...

SK: The area in which I live will vote overwhelmingly in favor of McCain. That's not to say that the rest of the state will. I think in the fall we will see Texas about 50.5% McCain and 49.0% Obama with the other .5% going to None-of-the Above or Ron Paul.