Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Ocean Planning and Zoning

Once upon a time, not long ago, the oceans were still a frontier for exploration.  Today, we see many signs of unchecked exploitation.  Lest you react too quickly against regulating access, think back to the implementation of game laws.  Most game species and other species dependent on them for survival (both up and down the chain) were on the verge of disappearing from our country prior to the implementation of hunting and fishing regulations.  Today, many have rebounded beyond our wildest expectations.  I have difficulty with restricting rights, but this one makes sense from the perspective of sustainability.  The ocean is perhaps the most important source of food protein on the planet.

Obama launches policy to protect oceans

I must admit though, I am amused by the phrase...."marine spatial planning."

Below is a link to the Executive Order:

Executive Order--Stewardship of the Ocean, Our Coasts, and the Great Lakes

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