Monday, May 26, 2008

Dancing With the Devil; Money and Politics I

Have you given any thought to the amount of money spent on the 2008 Presidential race? According to, it is in excess of $600 million through the end of April. They anticipate the winner will have spent approximately $500 million to win. That means the total spent on this one political contest will likely exceed $1.2 billion. That is greater than the GNP of 55 countries! (2005 numbers) Given the U.S. population of 302.2 million, that's $3.97 for every man-woman-and-child in the U.S. I would rather they bought us all a gallon of gasoline.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow that is astronomical. Makes me realize just how power hungry some people are.

Great post.

The Tampa Pirate