Tuesday, May 27, 2008

It's The Economy, Stupid.

According to some sources, the Republicans don't stand a chance this fall. The disillusionment of the voting public runs deep and in spite of the dismal records of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, the blame is squarely being placed on Republicans for the problems that our nation is facing.

The race for the Presidency is a strong mood-setter for the voting public. The main-stream-media has done a thorough job of discrediting any positives coming out of the Bush administration and the only apparent spark of statesmanship in the Presidential candidates is coming from Obama.

It is unlikely that we will see a strong "coattail" effect in the Senate and House races, but there certainly will be nothing to offset the animosity toward the current administration which is represented by the figure-head of President George W. Bush. With consumers paying $4.00 per gallon for gasoline, hearing constant talk of recession, seeing the turbulence of the stock market and fearful of rising food prices, it is unlikely that their negative impression of the current administration will change.

It is an ill wind which blows for the Republicans this fall.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's not the best of years for the GOP. Surprisingly, though, John McCain's turning out to be even stronger thus far than many had predicted.

We'll see a vigorous, even vicious, campaign this fall. Obama may do himself in after all, especially if we see more Jeremiah Wrights out there.

Keep those posts coming!!