Monday, May 26, 2008


Just what I need to do -- start another blog. I must have fallen off a log and hit my head.

No, I just find that there are times that I need to express my political views and opinions. There certainly is plenty of material out there.

I have chosen the name "Poly Ticks and Tickles" for a couple of reasons. The first is that "Polly Ticks" was already taken! The second is that it expresses my thoughts about politics fairly suscinctly. To amplify that thought, I will define each component part.

Poly - many. This word gives me a broad range of subjects to address. It places virtually no limitation.

Ticks - blood-sucking creatures. This is a good description of many of the individuals who inhabit the political world.

Tickles - something humorous. Funny. So much of what I see in the political world is just plain funny if it wasn't so dangerous to us common folk.

So, to put it all together. "Poly Ticks and Tickles" is about many blood-sucking creatures that behave in a manner that is sometimes humorous.

I must admit that there will be days when there is absolutely no humor in what I write. But, where possible, I will look for the humor and attempt to point it out.

So much for introductions. It is time to write something important! (hah!)

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