Sunday, September 14, 2008

The "A" Team

OK. I know The Sun isn't known as a mainstream political authority, but after seeing this article linked on The Drudge Report, I had to post a link to it. The GOP's rock star VP candidate will reach across a lot more lines than people (especially the Dem's) anticipate. I think the futbol crowd wafting a draft in an English/Irish/Scottish/German, etc. pub will appreciate her as much as some of the folks in rural America. Senator McCain also should score well with the baseball crowd on this pick, it was certainly a home run.

There is even talk about a "coattail" effect from the McCain/Palin ticket on a number of House and Senate races. The only thing that surprises me is that no one has started calling them the "A" team. After all, one hails from Arizona and the other from Alaska. Hmm...sounds like a good title for this post.

1 comment:

Ottavio (Otto) Marasco said...

Don’t think I have come across any ‘A-Team’ descriptions yet, but why not?

Have to admit I am drawn to McCain’s VP pick. Pro-life commitment, credible administrative experience, a proven reformer, energy awareness, youthfulness, a woman, a maverick like her new boss, exciting and conservative too …