Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Witness the Beginning of a World Changer

The world and the Democrats underestimate Governor Sarah Palin, VP running mate of John McCain. The lady has class and poise that cover a solid intellect and a heart for her country and the citizens who dwell in it. With John McCain's experience and heart for service to lead the way, she will become a formidable force within a McCain administration.

Her charm will cross many barriers that might be denied to others. With proper coaching and mentoring, she could potentially play a significant role on the world stage in a manner that is beyond the typical role of a Vice President. Her perceptive mind and graceful presence are a combination that could place her in the forefront of forging strong relationships with leaders throughout the world. She could become a coalition builder unsurpassed in recent U.S. history.

She has a unique opportunity. Through a mentoring/educational process, she can sit down with world leaders and ask them one-on-one, in a manner not usual for diplomatic efforts, what is important to each of them. She can seek to understand the issues that are critical to them by asking questions. Diplomats are "assumed" to have an understanding of the countries with which they deal. She is not bound by those assumptions. She is a fresh slate where new ideas and perceptions can be shaped.

Foreign policy experience? Give her time and she could become a world-changer.

1 comment:

Sandy Kessler said...

I think so but I read awful bitterness from media- makes me so sad