Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A Call to Engage

Now is a critical point in our nation's history. The forces that would swing our nation in a direction of socialization and liberalization feel euphoric at their perceived victory in the elections yesterday. However, there are still bastions of conservative power in which forces of common sense, family values and free enterprise are strong. It is time for that base to come together in the common cause of standing against the forces arrayed against us. It is time to take the battle to a higher level.

Over the last few decades, the currently ascendant forces have gradually eroded the moral fiber of our nation, have infiltrated the educational institutions and used all forms of media to "re-educate" the people of our nation through the constant bombardment of the liberal message. Their battle has been waged as one of gradual attrition as they sought to pick off key issues bit-by-bit. We Conservatives now find ourselves in the position of second-class citizens. Our values are pooh-pooed by the media as "out-of-touch" or irrelevant. They view us as anachronisms of a by-gone era. We must change our image.

How will we do that? -- change our image? We must develop a comprehensive strategy for utilizing the power of capitalism to take control of the media and our educational institutions. We must raise up leaders and thinkers who will identify the weak points in our society from which the leftist liberalism springs forth. We must take the battle to them utilizing some of the same tactics which they have so effectively used against us for years. We must engage and we must become active participants at all levels of influence in the educational, political, judicial, legislative and executive processes. We must step out of our businesses and into the marketplace of ideas where we can engage the youth of this nation in a corrective action to offset the liberal abuses imposed upon them through the educational institutions. We must act and the time is now.


ptg said...

Maybe we should study Saul Alinsky, Mao and Che. We could have seen it coming.

Chris McClure aka Panhandle Poet said...

PTG: Know your enemy....and never underestimate him.

amy said...

or her;)

Chris McClure aka Panhandle Poet said...

Amy: Pardon my failure to be gender inclusive in my statement. By using the word "him", I intended the broadest interpretation such as in "mankind" or similiar generally accepted terms that are meant to include both genders. However, it is not an issue to which I choose to be sensitive because I accept that women are equally as able as men for intellectually based roles. That is why I thought, and continue to believe, that Sarah Palin was an excellent choice for running mate. I believe she would make a great President and is emminently more qualified for the job than is our President elect.

i beati said...

This is the best piece post election I have read. I felt like a dinosaur . No young people even relate to Viet Nam and can even comprehend economically what wilL happen in this country . ANY KOOL AIDE ANYONE?