Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Is the Election Causing a Rise in Hate Crimes?

The headline and linked article below caught my attention this morning:

Election of Obama provokes rise in U.S. hate crimes

It caught my attention, not because I doubt the rise in hate crimes, but because I question the reason for the rise.

Interestingly, the specific incidents cited in the article are mostly in reference to crimes against Latinos. The incidents are also primarily in the inner cities. Only one of the incidents cited referred to an incident specifically committed against an Obama supporter.

I wonder if the economic situation and resulting tension could be a greater factor than the election results. I also wonder if that tension coupled with the desensitization against other human beings due to crowded conditions in our inner cities might be a greater factor than election results. I wonder if the reporter in the story questioned the report that was cited or if he/she just saw an opportunity to support their personal preconceptions of racial tension in the country.

I have no doubt that racial hatred exists in the U.S. I think that it exists between Blacks and Hispanics, between Asians and Whites, and between any other combination you care to examine. I think that the majority of people seek to overcome the differences between the races and look beyond their prejudices to developing relationships that transcend racial boundaries. That is evident in the genetic blending of the races that is common in the U.S. There are radical groups of all colors that foster hatred between the races. They will exploit opportunity to spread that hatred whenever possible -- such as with the election of a "blended" race President, or in the midst of the economic turmoil within the country.

The area in which I live has largely escaped the economic downturn. However, there are many parts of the country that are experiencing a surge in unemployment. Those are the areas in greatest danger of exploitation by the hate mongers.

Do I expect an increase in racial tension over the coming months? Yes. I believe that it will result from the opportunism of various groups to exploit the liberalism of the forming executive and legislative branches of government and the potential increase in liberalism in the judiciary. It will be due to the breakdown of a guiding moral basis for our country. It will be due to the agendas of various groups that would destroy our nation in their attempt to re-make it into a socialist state.

The coming years will see an increase in turmoil in our country. The riots of the 60's may pale in comparison to the coming firestorm that is building in the cities of our nation. I anticipate a rise in radicalism that may threaten the very survival of our society. I pray that will not be the case.

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