Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Carbon Straw That Broke the Camel's Back

Regulating/controlling/reducing pollutants into the environment is something with which most people agree. However, schemes for carbon-caps and carbon credits trading make very little sense.

Texas has long been dependent on the oil and gas industry for the strength of its economy. It is the U.S. leader in most areas of energy production -- including renewable sources such as wind energy. Its cities also are among the leaders in developing plans for reducing pollutants in the atmosphere.

Good science should be applied to pollution, not schemes designed to line the pockets of a small group of people who would create a "carbon credit" market. The individuals promoting such schemes are positioned to capitalize on the trading of such credits while placing an increasing burden on the consumers in this country. IT IS THE CONSUMER who will pay for it all -- not the so-called "bad" industries such as oil & gas production or chemical manufacture.

We are already facing a horrendous deficit in our country due to the profligate spending of the last few years. That deficit promises to grow dramatically under the current bailout schemes. The burden eventually will fall on the shoulders of the taxpayers -- of this generation and the next and the next. The debt of our nation is already held largely by foreign governments. We have sold our country to the highest bidder while sucking the life out of the people who made this country great.

Adding the burden of a carbon cap-and-trade scheme to our economy could very well be the last straw that breaks the camel's back. Perhaps that is what our national leadership desires. We've been hearing of a conspiracy to create a one-world government for years. I never really bought into that conspiracy theory but I'm beginning to wonder.

The article linked below discusses the potential burden to the Texas economy of carbon regulations being proposed. It's amazing isn't it? One of the few bright spots in the U.S. economy is now threatened by this lunacy.

Carbon regulation could "cripple" Texas: Perry

Another article below:

Perry concerned by plans to limit greenhouse gases

And another article:

Perry says emission rules would cripple Texas economy

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