Wednesday, November 12, 2008

FOCUS, Not Change, is the Key

Let me state up front that I'm not a fan of CNN. In fact, I've been known to refer to them as the Communist News Network because of their very obvious bias toward the left. I will say, though, that I appreciate their willingness to provide plenty of material about which I can blog. The article today by Gloria Borger, is missing some key points.

The problem with the GOP isn't a lack of new ideas, it is a lack of direction. In an effort to appeal to a broader base, the party has embraced, at least nominally, too many groups with widely diverse beliefs -- just like the Democrats have done. The difference in the election was not a significant mandate for Obama or the Democratic controlled Congress. The difference was the unpopularity of the sitting President coupled with the economic turmoil since September 11, 2001, which was capped by a collapse of the credit markets.

The U.S. public needs to embrace the principles of the conservative wing of the GOP. I believe they want to embrace those principles. The problem is, they can't see them being embraced by the GOP itself. Those principles, if embedded in the public psyche, would have prevented many of the problems that we are faced with today.

Those principles are fairly simple. 1) If you incur a debt, you should pay it. 2) Don't borrow more than you can afford. 3) Get a job. There is merit in providing for oneself and one's family. 4) Marriage is between one man and one woman and is intended to last for life. 5) Kids need both a father and a mother living together -- preferably their biological father and mother. 6) Life is precious -- even for the unborn. 7) Success is the result of hard work and personal initiative -- not race, gender, social status or so-called "class." 8) If you make a commitment you should do everything in your power to keep it. 9) Government is to facilitate commerce, protect the innocent and protect our borders -- NOT be "the great equalizer!" 10) There is nothing wrong with making money. However, there is something wrong with taking money away from those who made it to give to those unwilling to work for it. 11) Education is critical. It must start in the home. It requires discipline and self-initiative. It is a personal responsibility and should not be solely in the hands of the state. 12) We should be responsible for the wise management of our resources -- stewards, not caretakers. Those resources benefit no one if they are not utilized. 13) Charity is a personal choice and a responsibility. It should not be forced on individuals by the state. 14) Personal religious liberty is critical to the proper functioning of society. Personal beliefs inform behavior by individuals in whatever capacity they occupy -- whether in the schools, the workplace or the government. Individuals should be allowed to exercise that religious freedom as they choose as long as it doesn't interfere with the rights of others. 15) Individuals have the right to protect their property. Gun ownership is a right of all honest citizens. 16) The courts are to administer the law, not attempt to change it by their actions. 17) I'm sure I've missed a few points, but the above list covers most of the big ones.

The GOP has lost its direction in the desire to garner votes through embracing a wide-range of groups and ideas. We need to accept the fact that there will be people who will NEVER embrace our candidates. Forget them. Quit trying to reach out to them. Success comes through FOCUS -- not a drifting, wavering, nebulous, ephemeral -- I'm running out of descriptors here -- set of ideals. It's time to choose a course and proceed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You right wing nuts don't get that the way most people think is far different that you. Communist News Netowrk whatever. Anything without conservative bias you call that. Get a life.