Thursday, April 16, 2009

Resistance is NOT Futile

It will be very difficult to sustain a grassroots movement among Conservatives because of their very nature, however, we have a start with the Tea Parties conducted yesterday. There are a lot of disaffected people in this country right now -- especially when you get out of the cities and into the Heartland where there is still productivity which results from a strong work ethic and sense of independence instead of dependence on the Federal largess. My home state of Texas is one of those states where we see the backlash against the extreme growth in federal power is growing quickly. On at least some levels, it is being fueled by some of our leading political figures. The article linked below is an example:

Governor Says Texans May Want to Secede From Union But Probably Won't

The real question to me is this: Governor Perry, are you truly serious about taking control back from Washington or is this all just political rhetoric in light of the race to retain the Governor's mansion?

We have two of the more conservative Senators in Washington but even they are not immune to the corrupting influences of power politics played on the national stage. I pray that they will fight the fight of the people and resist the forces that are moving us toward -- not Socialism -- but, an all pervasive and invasive government that seeks to run every aspect of our lives. That my friends is something to be feared. It is all about power and that power was handed to a group of people who, under the guise of the Democratic Party, will stop at nothing to consolidate their hold on the reins of power. If they are not stopped now, it will become increasingly difficult to stem the tide of corruption and government invasion into our lives. We must create a groundswell of resistance to the tide of Big Government that is washing over our country. It will be a long and arduous fight that is difficult to sustain but it must be done if we wish to save the United States.

1 comment:

Samantha West said...

I was pleased with how conservatives turned out yesterday. I found the numbers to be under reported by the news media and challenged WFAA to their coverage in Southlake.