Friday, April 3, 2009


One thing about our current President cannot be disputed -- he delivers a speech well (of course, teleprompters are helpful). Not only has he "wowed" a majority of the U.S. populace with his oratory, he is doing the same in Europe. The words "smooth operator" come to my mind. One of the more interesting things to me is the response of some of the other "world leaders" to his words. I especially find it interesting that one has chosen to embrace his "comrade" so openly. The words we choose can be so empty (e.g. "change") -- or so meaningful......

1 comment:

Mike said...

We finally reached the tipping point in America, that delicate balance where we now are officially a "dumb nation". (53%, think it was)

It's hard for me to understand why "some" people voted for him. Doing my research on the candidates two years ago, Obama was at the very bottom of the list of Dem. candidates I would've accepted.

The other side had a perfectly good liberal -McCain- they could've voted for, didn't they?