Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Inflation or Fuel Surcharge?

Inflation? We don't have inflation. What we have is a fuel cost surcharge rippling through our economy. It affects the price of everything.

What can be done about it? Produce more energy -- quickly. The law of supply and demand are immutable in spite of what the Democrats tell you. We can work on both sides of the equation -- for that's what it is. Price is set based on the equilibrium point of supply and demand. Taxes and regulations artificially raise that point. The most efficient mechanism for determining price is a free market.

We need to learn to conserve and we need to produce more energy. The quickest way to drive down energy prices is to glut the market with an abundant supply of energy. All forms of energy are affected but the one on every one's mind right now is the price of gasoline. We need more oil and we need it quickly.

Most of the oil rigs available are being used currently. We need more rigs and we need them working now -- on the Outer Continental Shelf, in ANWR and anywhere else where there are untapped reserves.

Let's wean ourselves from foreign oil. Let's establish our Energy Independence. Join Senator John Cornyn in his efforts.

Related: U.S. Senator John Cornyn has posted a guest post at RedState.

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