Thursday, July 10, 2008

A President's Roots

I usually avoid reading articles that target our President. It seems obvious that the press think him to be "less-than-polished" as a speaker and often disagree vehemently with his views. It's probably because they are clueless about the type of individual that I believe him to be.

The President grew up in the rough-and-tumble of the oil patch of West Texas. Yes, I know that his roots lie in the well-worn soil of New England's elite, but his formative years were in an environment that is known for action, not talk; overcoming adversity, not giving in to fears; domination of the elements, not hand-wringing over what nature throws at you. I believe that there is an element in his character that is much closer to the common, everyday, hardworking people of this nation than it is to the self-styled elite of the Washington and international jet-setting crowd. He is caught between the two worlds.

Perhaps that is why the mainstream media, the "old-world superiority complex" of Europe and the "snobbery" of New England and California hate him. It is because they don't see him as one of the elite. He doesn't fit their expectations. He hasn't bowed to the requisite "polish" that is expected by them. He has retained that element of the average citizen that ties him to their values.

When the music fades and his tenure in the Presidency is only a memory, I believe that history will treat him kindly. Time has a way of changing perspective. No longer will minor idiosyncrasies get in the way of thoughtful, honest evaluations of effectiveness and character. He will be remembered well. Thank you, Mr. President, for holding on to the values of Middle America -- the "flyover" country that our East and West Coast brethren demean as the land of the uncouth, unwashed servants of their elitist agenda.

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