Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Obama's Embrace of Faith-based Initiative?

Obama is bombarding the MSM with press opportunities regarding his faith. His aggressive campaign to offset the many remarks about his faith is a political necessity. However, on two key issues to the evangelical vote he is at the opposite end of the spectrum. Those issues are gay/lesbian rights/marriage and abortion. The evangelical vote will be a moral vote. It is also typically a high-percentage conservative vote. There are evangelical Christians who place social issues in the Democratic camp -- that is pour money into them. The majority however, are more likely to see most social issues as needing shoe leather -- not more government programs. Issues such as poverty, crime, the disintegration of the family, etc. require Christian foot soldiers reaching into needy communities. Evangelicals often see government programs as detrimental to their efforts. Mr. Obama may be disappointed in his effect on the evangelical community.

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