Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Mental Politics of Recessionary Thinking

One of my former Senators who now advises Presidential candidate John McCain has the Dems stirred up about the economy today. What is most interesting is that he is right. The American public is unduly influenced by the doom-and-gloomers of the media as to the condition of our economy. The media is playing into the hands of the Dems because that is who most of them support. The frenzy is self-feeding because the more it is hyped, the greater the impact of that hype on both the actual economy and the attitude of the people toward the economy.

Those who have a positive outlook are reaping the rewards. Those who fear to move forward are creating losses for themselves because of retrenching actions. It is the difference between being proactive and being reactive. Face forward, move forward and move on. The U.S. still has far and away the best economic system on the planet. It works.

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