Saturday, July 5, 2008

Tomato Industry Bust Now Lets Tank the Jalapeno Growers

Losses to the tomato industry mount and we still don't know the cause of the salmonella outbreak. Why? Because it's extremely difficult to track down is why.

People panic. The media hypes the danger. We all lose.

It will be a long time before the tomato industry recovers the $100 million plus that it has lost during this debacle. Now the jalapeno growers are facing a similar situation.

The Democrats are using the issue to push for more controls. "Let's have farm of origin labelling," the say. They don't stop to think of the cost. Add the cost of implementation to the $100 million already lost and the tomato industry may never recover. So, let's throw government money at the problem. Either way, the consumer will pay for it. We will face much higher prices for tomatoes for some time now because of shortages.

Dear consumer: WASH YOUR FOOD WHEN PREPARING IT! It won't cure all ills but it will help. Be thankful for such an abundant supply and assortment.

1 comment:

Samantha West said...

Yanno, I never stopped eating tomatoes and have really eaten a lot more recently because of the prices. I wash everything in mild soapy water (yes, I know THEY say that will give you the runs--not--!) then I rinse everything in lemon water. My fresh veggies stay fresher a long time because the washing and lemon water destroys any bacterial or mold. Plus the lemon water removes all the soap.

A day without fresh tomatoes would be sad at my table. I eat about four pounds a week. --Keeps my hair red!--